Using taxonomy to categorize content
Taxonomy is a powerful way of classifying the content on your site. After the content has been classified, you can group or filter the content based on the categories that have been set for the content type. When we use the Views module later in the book we'll be able to filter our lists of content on the site by specific tags and vocabularies. This provides a huge amount of possibilities for presenting content on our site.
If you only have a few pages of content, or if you are grouping based on only one category, the taxonomy module is probably overkill for your needs. But the power of taxonomy is readily apparent if you have hundreds of pages of content and complex categorization needs, or when you are classifying content based on multiple categories.
When you define taxonomy, you can decide whether the terms in the category are predefined, or if the editors can add new tags as they add new content. It is best to use predefined tags or terms if the terms...