One of the most universally accepted UI patterns on mobile devices involves the way in which the user can call for a data refresh, that is, pull down on the screen with a finger and have some visual feedback linked to the actual gesture of the user. If a threshold is reached, update the content and hide the visual feedback.
This kind of interaction is very common in a wide variety of applications (mail, social networks, and more) and can be applied to lists, grids, and other controls. The TListView component makes it very easy to implement this behavior, which is, in fact, built in and, on mobile platforms, can have some native integrations (that is, platform-specific animations). To enable pull-to-refresh (which is off by default), you can set the PullToRefresh property of TListView to True and implement the OnPullRefresh event handler.
In the following screenshot, you can see the steps involved in a pull-to-refresh interaction...