Understanding the report development process
Let’s talk about the process of actually creating a report. The process may be slightly different depending on the procedures of where you end up working, but this is the general process identified by the experts at CompTIA. For the exam, you will need to know the steps involved in the report creation process, have a general idea of what they mean, and know what order they should be done in. I will point out that for the exam, this process is specifically related to dashboard development, but the concepts have been generalized here to cover all reports Whether we are talking about a dashboard or any other kind of report, except for an ad hoc report, the process will be roughly the same. Ad hoc reports generally have a less formal process because they require a quick turnaround time. The four-step process is as follows:
- Create a plan.
- Get the plan approved.
- Create the report.
- Deliver the report.
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