Building the blueprint
The blueprint is very similar to a project charter; however, it has a few more technical details included. This is the main document that outlines the scope and direction of the business intelligence and data warehouse solution.
Getting ready
To build the blueprint, you need to consolidate the information contained in this chapter and include some additional information:
Background of the solution
Objectives of the solution
How to do it...
The blueprint is a consolidation of the information collected throughout this chapter, integrated with the project background:
1. Create a document.
2. Include the following sections:
3. Integrate the previous business process information into section 2, BUSINESS PROCESS.
4. Section 3, ROADMAP, involves prioritizing and building. For this, arrange the process and steps in the order of implementation.
How it works...
By identifying the business processes and the information contained within each business process, it is easy to understand the...