Event streaming with the Apache Kafka ecosystem
Apache Kafka is an industry-leading event streaming system. In the Apache Kafka ecosystem, the following are some of the key components:
- Event topic: An event topic consists of a stream of immutable, ordered messages belonging to a particular category. Each event topic may have one or more partitions. A partition is indexed storage that supports multi-concurrency in Apache. Apache Kafka keeps at least one partition per topic and may add more partitions as specified (at the time of topic creation) or required. When a new message is published to the topic, Apache Kafka decides which topic partition will be used to append the message. Each topic appends the most recent message at the end. This is shown in the following diagram:
Figure 5.3 – Apache Kafka topic anatomy
As shown in the preceding diagram, when a new message is published to the steam, it is appended at the end. Event consumers can...