Maintaining your test code
Like application code, test code is also code, so handle it as application code should be handled. This means:
- Test code should be secured by means of a source code management tool, providing you a history of changes and an easy way to revert to any previous state.
- Test code will most likely need to be updated with any new customer wish, as this will result in a change of the behavior of your solution.
- Test code most probably needs to be debugged, whether you like it or not, as any coding done by a developer potentially inserts new bugs, in both the application and the test code.
- Test code should be reviewed to ensure that, like application code, it meets the coding standards.
- And of course, test code should be stored with the application code to assure they're closely tied and in sync.
Next to this, when allowing other parties to extend your extension, empower them by providing access to your test code, like Microsoft...