Project #6 – Tracking and Notifying about Your Heart Rate
This chapter is dedicated to smart healthcare and wearables. It shows how healthcare devices can be integrated with the Arduino IoT Cloud platform and offers an example of an interface between the Arduino IoT Cloud and a third-party service. The notification service sends notifications to recipients when the measured heart rate exceeds the defined heart rate threshold.
In this chapter, we will embark on a practical exploration of smart health and wearables by working with a heart rate sensor and Seeed Studio’s newest and very small development board in the XIAO series, based on ESP32 with a lot of features. With the help of a sensor, a development board, and the Arduino IoT Cloud, we will build an IoT-enabled wearable healthcare solution. You will also learn how to set up webhooks for sending the latest heart rate values to Zapier. Finally, you will see how to set up Zaps in Zapier for email/mobile notifications...