Words of wisdom — tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls
Make use of IBM Support Assistant (ISA) Lite to quickly collect diagnostic files such as logfiles and configuration files or to run traces. For more information, refer to
Analyze and monitor the WPS/WESB logs (system out, system err) regularly. You can consider using a tool like IBM Log Analyzer. For more information about analyzing the logs, refer to
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21330148 or AWStats (http://awstats.sourceforge.net/)
Incorporate Audit (in places where a state change is involved or when identifying and recording the requestor) and Logging (with right levels) to log the detailed information about events, exceptions, warnings, and so on, into a logfile or a queue.
Use tracing wisely to record any information that could be useful in debugging problems with your code. When you turn diagnostics on, it affects system performance and usability of the...