95.7 Implementing the launchIntent() Method
With the project structure and user interface designs completed it is time to use the Play Core Library to begin working with the dynamic feature module. The first step is to implement the launchFeature() method, the purpose of which is to use an intent to launch the dynamic feature activity. Attempting to start an activity in a dynamic feature module that has yet to be installed, however, will cause the app to crash. The launchFeature() method, therefore, needs to include some defensive code to ensure that the dynamic feature has been installed. To achieve this, we need to create an instance of the SplitInstallManager class and call the getInstalledModules() method of that object to check whether the my_dynamic_feature module is already installed. If it is installed, the activity contained in the module can be safely launched, otherwise a message needs to be displayed to the user on the status TextView. Within the MainActivity.kt file, make...