Performing End-to-End View Synthesis with SynSin
This chapter is dedicated to the latest state-of-the-art view synthesis model called SynSin. View synthesis is one of the main directions in 3D deep learning, which can be used in multiple different domains such as AR, VR, gaming, and more. The goal is to create a model for the given image as an input to reconstruct a new image from another view.
In this chapter, first, we will explore view synthesis and the existing approaches to solving this problem. We will discuss all advantages and disadvantages of these techniques.
Second, we are going to dive deeper into the architecture of the SynSin model. This is an end-to-end model that consists of three main modules. We will discuss each of them and understand how these modules help to solve view synthesis without any 3D data.
After understanding the whole structure of the model, we will move on to hands-on practice, where we will set up and work with the model to better understand...