Last week, Google brought the popular coding competitions Code Jam, HashCode and Kick Start together on a single website. This brand new UI will make the navigation better to make it user friendly. The user profile will now show notifications which will make the user experience better.
Google’s global coding competition, Code Jam, gives an opportunity to programmers around the world to solve tricky algorithmic puzzles. The first round includes three sub rounds. Next, the top 1,500 participants from each sub-round then get a chance to compete for a spot in round 2. Top 1,000 contestants are chosen out of them and they get an opportunity to move to the third round. Top 25 contestants will get selected from the third round and they will compete for the finals. The winners get the championship title and $15,000.
HashCode is a team-based programming challenge organized by Google for students and professionals around the world. After registering for the contest, the participants will get an access to the Judge System. The Judge System is an online platform where one can form the team, join a hub, practice, and compete during the rounds. One can choose their team and programming language and the HashCode team assigns an engineering problem to the teams by live streaming on Youtube. The teams can compete either from a local hub or any another location of their choice. The selected teams will compete for the final round at Google’s office.
Kick Start, also a global online coding competition, consists of a variety of algorithmic challenges designed by Google engineers. Participants can either participate in one of the online rounds or in all of them. The top participants will get a chance to be interviewed at Google. The best part about KickStart is that it is open to all participants and there is no pre-qualification needed. If you are competing in a coding competition for the first time, then KickStart is the best option.
To stay updated with the registration dates and details, one can sign up on Google’s coding competition’s official page.
To know more about the competitions, check out Google’s blog.
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