In this article, Richard Marcoux, Chris Goodswen, Riham Toulan, and Sam Howels, the authors of the book CRYENGINE Game Development Blueprints, will take us through animation in CRYENGINE. In the past, animation states were handled by a tool called Animation Graph. This is akin to Flow Graph but handled animations and transitions for all animated entities, and unfortunately reduced any transitions or variation in the animations to a spaghetti graph. Thankfully, we now have Mannequin! This is an animation system where the methods by which animation states are handled is all dealt with behind the scenes—all we need to take care of are the animations themselves. In Mannequin, an animation and its associated data is known as a fragment. Any extra detail that we might want to add (such as animation variation, styles, or effects) can be very simply layered on top of the fragment in the Mannequin editor. While complex and detailed results can be achieved with all manner of first and third person animation in Mannequin, for level design we're only really interested in basic fragments we want our NPCs to play as part of flavor and readability within level scripting. Before we look at generating some new fragments, we'll start off with looking at how we can add detail to an existing fragment—triggering a flare particle as part of our flare firing animation.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
First things first, let's open Mannequin! Go to View | Open View Pane | Mannequin Editor. This is initially quite a busy view pane so let's get our bearings on what's important to our work. You may want to drag and adjust the sizes of the windows to better see the information displayed. In the top left, we have the Fragments window. This lists all the fragments in the game that pertain to the currently loaded preview. Let's look at what this means for us when editing fragment entries.
A preview is a complete list of fragments that pertains to a certain type of animation. For example, the default preview loaded is sdk_playerpreview1p.xml, which contains all the first person fragments used in the SDK. You can browse the list of fragments in this window to get an idea of what this means—everything from climbing ladders to sprinting is defined as a fragment. However, we're interested in the NPC animations. To change the currently loaded preview, go to File | Load Preview Setup and pick sdk_humanpreview.xml. This is the XML file that contains all the third person animations for human characters in the SDK. Once this is loaded, your fragment list should update to display a larger list of available fragments usable by AI.
This is shown in the following screenshot:
If you don't want to perform this step every time you load Mannequin, you are able to change the default preview setup for the editor in the preferences. Go to Tools | Preferences | Mannequin | General and change the Default Preview File setting to the XML of your choice.
Now we have the correct preview populating our fragment list, let's find our flare fragment. In the box with <FragmentID Filter> in it, type flare and press Enter. This will filter down the list, leaving you with the fireFlare fragment we used earlier. You'll see that the fragment is comprised of a tree. Expanding this tree one level brings us to the tag. A tag in mannequin is a method of choosing animations within a fragment based on a game condition. For example, in the player preview we were in earlier, the begin_reload fragment has two tags: one for SDKRifle and one for SDKShotgun. Depending on the weapon selected by the player, it applies a different tag and consequently picks a different animation.
This allows animators to group together animations of the same type that are required in different situations. For our fireFlare fragment, as there are no differing scenarios of this type, it simply has a <default> tag. This is shown in the following screenshot:
Inside this tag, we can see there's one fragment entry: Option 1. These are the possible variations that Mannequin will choose from when the fragment is chosen and the required tags are applied. We only have one variation within fireFlare, but other fragments in the human preview (for example, IA_talkFunny) offer extra entries to add variety to AI actions. To load this entry for further editing, double-click Option 1. Let's get to adding that flare!
After loading the fragment entry, the Fragment Editor window has now updated. This is the main window in the center of Mannequin and comprises of a preview window to view the animation and a list of all the available layers and details we can add.
The main piece of information currently visible here is the animation itself, shown in AnimLayer under FullBody3P:
At the bottom of the Fragment Editor window, some buttons are available that are useful for editing and previewing the fragment. These include a play/pause toggle (along with a playspeed dropdown) and a jump to start button. You are also able to zoom in and out of the timeline with the mouse wheel, and scrub the timeline by click-dragging the red timeline marker around the fragment. These controls are similar to the Track View cinematics tool and should be familiar if you've utilized this in the past.
Here, we are able to add our particle effect to the animation fragment. To do this, we need to add ProcLayer (procedural layer) to the FullBody3P section. The ProcLayer runs parallel to AnimLayer and is where any extra layers of detail that fragments can contain are specified, from removing character collision to attaching props. For our purposes, we need to add a particle effect clip. To do this, double-click on the timeline within ProcLayer. This will spawn a blank proc clip for us to categorize. Select this clip and Procedural Clip Properties on the right-hand side of the Fragment Editor window will be populated with a list of parameters. All we need to do now is change the type of this clip from None to ParticleEffect. This is editable in the dropdown Type list. This should present us with a ParticleEffect proc clip visible in the ProcLayer alongside our animation, as shown in the following screenshot:
Now that we have our proc clip loaded with the correct type, we need to specify the effect. The SDK has a couple of flare effects in the particle libraries (searchable by going to RollupBar | Objects Tab | Particle Entity); I'm going to pick explosions.flare.a. To apply this, select the proc clip and paste your chosen effect name into the Effect parameter. If you now scrub through fragment, you should see the particle effect trigger! However, currently the effect fires from the base of the character in the wrong direction. We need to align the effect to the weapon of the enemy. Thankfully, the ParticleEffect proc clip already has support for this in its properties. In the Reference Bone parameter, enter weapon_bone and hit Enter. The weapon_bone is the generic bone name that character's weapons are attached too, and as such it is a good bet for any cases where we require effects or objects to be placed in a character's weapon position. Scrubbing through the fragment again, the effect will now fire from the weapon hand of the character.
If we ever need to find out bone names, there are a few ways to access this information within the editor. Hovering over the character in the Mannequin previewer will display the bone name. Alternatively, in Character Editor (we'll go into the details later), you can scroll down in the Rollup window on the right-hand side, expand Debug Options, and tick ShowJointNames. This will display the names of all bones over the character in the previewer.
With the particle attached, we can now ensure that the timing of the particle effect matches the animation. To do this, you can click-and-drag the proc clip around timeline—around 1.5 seconds seems to match the timings for this animation. With the effect timed correctly, we now have a fully functioning fireFlare fragment! Try testing out the setup we made earlier with this change. We should now have a far more polished looking event.
The previewer in Mannequin shares the same viewport controls as the perspective view in Sandbox. You can use this to zoom in and look around to gain a better view of the animation preview.
The final thing we need to do is save our changes to the Mannequin databases! To do this, go to File | Save Changes. When the list of changed files is displayed, press Save. Mannequin will then tell you that you're editing data from the .pak files. Click Yes to this prompt and your data will be saved to your project. The resulting changed database files will appear in GameSDKAnimationsMannequinADB, and it should be distributed with your project if you package it for release.
Now that we know how to add some effects feedback to existing fragments, let's look at making a new fragment to use as part of our scripting. This is useful to know if you have animators on your project and you want to get their assets in game quickly to hook up to your content. In our humble SDK project, we can effectively simulate this as there are a few animations that ship with the SDK that have no corresponding fragment. Now, we'll see how to browse the raw animation assets themselves, before adding them to a brand new Mannequin fragment.
Let's open the Character Editor. Apart from being used for editing characters and their attachments in the engine, this is a really handy way to browse the library of animation assets available and preview them in a viewport. To open the Character Editor, go to View | Open View Pane | Character Editor.
On some machines, the expense of rendering two scenes at once (that is, the main viewport and the viewports in the Character Editor or Mannequin Editor) can cause both to drop to a fairly sluggish frame rate. If you experience this, either close one of the other view panes you have on the screen or if you have it tabbed to other panes, simply select another tab. You can also open the Mannequin Editor or the Character Editors without a level loaded, which allows for better performance and minimal load times to edit content.
Similar to Mannequin, the Character Editor will initially look quite overwhelming. The primary aspects to focus on are the Animations window in the top-left corner and the Preview viewport in the middle. In the Filter option in the Animations window, we can search for search terms to narrow down the list of animations. An example of an animation that hasn't yet been turned into a Mannequin fragment is the stand_tac_callreinforcements_nw_3p_01 animation. You can find this by entering reinforcements into the search filter:
Selecting this animation will update the debug character in the Character Editor viewport so that they start to play the chosen animation. You can see this specific animation is a oneshot wave and might be useful as another trigger for enemy reinforcements further in our scripting. Let's turn this into a fragment! We need to make sure we don't forget this animation though; right-click on the animation and click Copy. This will copy the name to the clipboard for future reference in Mannequin. The animation can also be dragged and dropped into Mannequin manually to achieve the same result.
With our animation located, let's get back to Mannequin and set up our fragment. Ensuring that we're still in the sdk_humanpreview.xml preview setup, take another look at the Fragments window in the top left of Mannequin. You'll see there are two rows of buttons: the top row controls creation and editing of fragment entries (the animation options we looked at earlier). The second row covers adding and editing of fragment IDs themselves: the top level fragment name. This is where we need to start. Press the New ID button on the second row of buttons to bring up the New FragmentID Name dialog.
Here, we need to add a name that conforms to the prefixes we discussed earlier. As this is an action, make sure you add IA_ (interest action) as the prefix for the name you choose; otherwise, it won't appear in the fragment browser in the Flow Graph.
Once our fragment is named, we'll be presented with Mannequin FragmentID Editor. For the most part, we won't need to worry about these options. But it's useful to be aware of how they might be useful (and don't worry, these can be edited after creation). The main parameters to note are the Scope options. These control which elements of the character are controlled by the fragment. By default, all these boxes are ticked, which means that our fragment will take control of each ticked aspect of the character.
An example of where we might want to change this would be the character LookAt control. If we want to get an NPC to look at another entity in the world as part of a scripted sequence (using the AI:LookAt Flow Graph node), it would not be possible with the current settings. This is because the LookPose and Looking scopes are controlled by the fragment. If we were to want to control this via Flow Graph, these would need to be unticked, freeing up the look scopes for scripted control. With scopes covered, press OK at the bottom of the dialog box to continue adding our callReinforcements animation!
We now have a fragment ID created in our Fragments window, but it has no entries! With our new fragment selected, press the New button on the first row of buttons to add an entry. This will automatically add itself under the <default> tag, which is the desired behavior as our fragment will be tag-agnostic for the moment. This has now created a blank fragment in the Fragment Editor.
This is where our animation from earlier comes in. Right-click on the FullBody3P track in the editor and go to Add Track | AnimLayer. As we did previously with our effect on ProcLayer, double-click on AnimLayer to add a new clip. This will create our new Anim Clip, with some red None markup to signify the lack of animation. Now, all we need to do is select the clip, go to the Anim Clip Properties, and paste in our animation name by double-clicking the Animation parameter.
The Animation parameter has a helpful browser that will allow you to search for animations—simply click on the browse icon in the parameter entry section. It lacks the previewer found in the Character Editor but can be a quick way to find animation candidates by name within Mannequin.
With our animation finally loaded into a fragment, we should now have a fragment setup that displays a valid animation name on the AnimLayer. Clicking on Play will now play our reinforcements wave animation!
Once we save our changes, all we need to do now is load our fragment in an AISequence:Animation node in Flow Graph. This can be done by repeating the steps outlined earlier. This time, our new fragment should appear in the fragment dialog.
Mannequin is a very powerful tool to help with animations in CRYENGINE. We have looked at how to get started with it.
Further resources on this subject: