As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
analyzing 244-247
.NET Framework 8
acquisition tools
for Windows OS 45
ActiveX controls 7, 209
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 47
Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) 47
Aero style 9
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 40
Amcache hive 171
Amcache.hve 178
AppCompatCacheParser 176
application event logs 240, 243, 244
application execution
artifact exercises 186
Application Experience service (AeLookupSvc) 178
application resource usage 269
Arsenal Image Mounter 23
artificial intelligence 14
Background Activity Moderator (BAM) 175
Belkasoft RAM Capturer 85-87
Belksoft Live RAM Capture 270
BitLocker 6
Blink rendering engine 212
blockchain 14
forensics exercises 222
Google Chrome 209