Not that long ago, I got asked by a random person on Facebook if I was working with Blazor.
I said: Yes, yes I do.
He then continued with a long remark telling me that Blazor would never beat Angular, React, or Vue.
I see these kinds of remarks quite often, and it’s essential to understand that beating other SPA frameworks has never been the goal. This is not Highlander, and there can be more than one.
Learning web development has previously been pretty tough. Not only do we need to know ASP.NET for the server, but we also need to learn a SPA framework like React, Angular, or VUE.
But it doesn’t end there. We also need to learn NPM, Bower, and Parcel, as well as JavaScript or TypeScript.
We need to understand transpiling and build that into our development pipeline. This is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg; depending on technology, we need to explore other rabbit holes.
Blazor is an excellent choice for .NET developers to...