Using local workspaces for source control
One of the biggest complaints users have had with previous versions of TFS is the source control management system and the server-based workspace approach. With this approach, the server keeps track of what files it thinks you have on your development machine, and all of the check-in and check-out operations require communication with the server.
It makes offline work very difficult, and if ever there are changes on your development machine that the server isn't aware of, you may face problems during check-ins and "get latest" operations. To prevent this from happening, TFS sets the read-only flag on all files that are under source control, but this only frustrates developers more since they can't easily edit files unless they use a tool that knows how to communicate with TFS.
While there can be valid reasons to use the historical approach, it would be best if the tools fit your work patterns rather than adjusting your behavior to fit the tools. Local...