Future versions and project roadmap
When we began writing this book, the current stable version of CiviCRM was 3.1.4 and 3.2 alpha was just being released to the community. Since then, v3.2 stable has been released and gone through several revisions, and 3.3 is now a stable release. By the time book production is finished, v3.4 will be nearing an alpha release. Needless to say, the CiviCRM development cycle typically follows the open source mantra of "Release early, release often".
This book is based on the v3.2 series. At times, we've provided comments where new v3.3 functionality impacts or expands the existing v3.2 toolset. However, for the most part we've focused on functionality present in the v3.2 release.
New functionality
If you are new to CiviCRM and are introduced to a more recent version than v3.2, this book will still be of value to you, as the vast bulk of functionality is the same. The following represents key new features in v3.3 that we've not covered in this book: