Testing and confirming
As with any new feature of your game, testing is crucial. In Chapter 10 and Chapter 11, we will look at optimizing your game and ensuring that test builds work as they are expected to, along with various options for delivering your game.
For now, you should ensure that your game functions properly so far. Even if you have no errors showing in the Unity console (Command + Shift + C shows this panel on Mac, Ctrl + Shift + C on PC), you should still make sure that as you play through the game, no errors occur as the player uses each part of the game.
If you encounter errors while testing, the Pause button at the top of the Unity editor will allow you to pause, play, and look at the error listed in the Console window. When encountering an error, simply double-click on it in the Console, and you'll be taken to the line of the script which contains the error, or at least to where the script encounters a problem. You can also select the Error Pause button on the Console...