Implementing the solution
The final step in our problem solving journey is to implement the solution. We discussed about the implementation that would roll out immediately as per our plan; that is, developing a solution where the agent will be notified in real time whether a customer will repeat the call in the next 48 hours. To make the solution more actionable, we can design an association rule table that will calculate the association between different call reasons (categories). This will come in handy when the agent is notified that the customer will repeat in the next 48 hours for a different call reason. The association rule table can then be leveraged by the agent to understand the most probable reason for the repeat call and then take additional steps to mitigate the chances of a repeat.
Once we have all the previous steps in place, implementing the solution is just following the steps we designed as a part of our journey, that is, solving a business use case end-to-end. When we finish...