The most crucial part of any project, and often overlooked, is planning. When you know exactly where your project is heading, following the road map is a piece of cake. Proper planning also helps you set realistic expectations for your clients.
When you develop a new site—a responsive site—it is important to sketch all possible layouts. The three form factors to consider, as we know, are desktop, tablet, and smartphone. If you've never heard of, this is the time to go and check it out. This site supplies you with templates for a variety of tablets and smartphones and a web browser wireframe. These can be printed and used to start your mock-ups and make your planning a little easier. You can even download frames for specific models such as the iPhone 6 or Nexus 10 tablet. Here is a sample drawing of the iPhone 6:

It's quite a simple thing—really. You can print it and start drawing your mock-ups immediately. Each project should have a collection of mock...