Test-Driven Development with Visual Studio
We’re starting this chapter with a nearly empty console project and a supporting xUnit test project that has already been linked to the main project as shown in Chapter 6. The structure of this project can be seen in Figure 7.2:
Figure 7.2 – Solution Explorer showing only a few files
Over the course of the rest of this section, we’re going to add a new class to track frequent flier miles for Cloudy Skies Airlines.
The requirements we’ll be addressing (in order) are:
- When a new Frequent Flier Account is created it should start with a starting balance of 100 miles.
- You should be able to add miles to the frequent flier account.
- You should be able to mark miles as redeemed as long as this wouldn’t result in a negative balance.
These are not complex requirements, but they should serve as a starting point for briefly exploring TDD.
We’ll start with...