The importance of knowing what you’re doing
In this more informal part of this chapter, we want to offer one last piece of advice about the things you do every day. It’s not just a technical tip; it’s more like advice from a friend, something I wish someone had told me when I started my career.
When you work on a project, a task, or anything else, always keep in mind why you chose to do it. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” It’s not just about staying motivated; there’s more to it than that.
First of all, this will help you avoid feeling like a random monkey hitting keys on a keyboard. It will also help you understand how your work contributes to the development of a project or a company. Having clear goals for your work, whether they’re short-term, medium-term, or long-term, will keep you focused on your task without getting distracted by other things. If your work has a specific purpose, and even better, if that purpose...