Setting up a testable application
Imagine this scenario: inspiration strikes you and you have a great application idea. Your excitement and creative juices are flowing as you start formulating ideas in your head about what to build. Of course, you do not rush straight into building it because you have read all the earlier chapters in this book. You take some time to plan it out, and in a caffeine-induced marathon, you start hacking away. Slowly, you start to see the application take shape and it is working beautifully. Hours go by, maybe it's days or weeks—you are not sure because you are in the zone. Finally, after all that work, you have a minimum viable product (MVP). You deploy it and go for some much-deserved sleep.
The problem is that you never set up testing. Undoubtedly, when you now come online and check out the error-handling system that you set up with advice from the previous section, you notice that it is swamped with errors. Uh oh! Users are doing things...