You will need the following to execute the recipes in this chapter:
- Python 3.7+
- Python packages:
- pyalgotrading ($ pip install pyalgotrading)
- pyalgostrategypool ($ pip install pyalgostrategypool)
- TA-Lib ($ pip install TA-Lib)
If you face errors while installing TA-Lib, it will mostly be due to missing dependencies. You can follow these instructions to fix the issue:
- For Mac OS X, use the following:
$ brew install ta-lib
- For Windows, use the following instructions:
You can install the latest TA-Lib binary from based on your Windows build (32 bit/64 bit) and Python version. So, for example, this link on the site, TA_Lib‑0.4.18‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl, is for TA-Lib version 0.4.18 (TA_Lib-0.4.18) and Python version 3.8 (cp38), and is Windows 64-bit-compatible (win_amd64).
- For Linux, take the following steps:
Download this gzip file—