With Puppetserver Version 5 the former Puppet Enterprise only metrics system has been ported to Puppet Open Source.
The metrics system allows you to read internal information like compile times, status of file serving and function runtimes from a JMX console or to push the data to a graphite system.
Enabling the metrics system is straightforward by editing the puppet server metrics.conf file located at /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/metrics.conf.
There are three important settings. At the metrics.server-id one can specify an ID which is later used in the Grafana dashboard. The metrics.registry.puppetserver.reporters.graphite.enabled value must be set to true and the metrics.reporters.graphite hash must mention the graphite hostname and port and the update interval setting:
# settings related to metrics
metrics: {
# a server id that will be used...