Audio in Prezi
There are several ways of benefiting from inserting audio files into your prezi.
Adding a recorded interview to one of the steps in your path is a great way to integrate input from people other than the presenter. This will add a "live feel" and variety to your presentation, which will capture your audience's attention.
Background music added to a presentation can be used to set the tone for a prezi.
Adding voice-over to your prezi's steps is a great option for when you cannot present it yourself, for instance, when you place it on a website or send it to someone as an attachment.
These are just a few examples of how you can easily enhance your prezi using audio files. Using different ways of communicating with your audience creates variety in your presentation. Audio is great for audience. While prezis are highly graphical, some concepts do require more explanation than just a picture and a few written words. To explain more without making your design too...