A brief background to Cascading Style Sheets
Let's get acquainted with what actually controls the color, font, and the formatting of your web pages. For this chapter, we will start with simple editing of the existing CSS files.
We won't be giving you a full course on CSS, as these theme modifications can easily be done through altering the syntaxes as we will show you how without even really understanding it. For starters, if you already know CSS, this chapter may be too easy for you. If we stick with explaining CSS too much in detail, this chapter will be very dry and we may as well start a book on CSS! You should find the following sections very interesting, as you will be seeing the changes of your modification in an instance.
As a background, CSS controls the structure and the look/appearance of your web pages. It separates the structure and design elements from the content of a web page. CSS is the design instructions that are linked to HTML/XHTML documents, which in the past were done...