Setting up video and audio
Before we start coding, we need to hear and see each other. Working remotely implies more setup than working face to face. So, let's see what we need to do in order to create a good virtual experience for pair programming. First we set up the video.
Setting up video
A good video connection will increase the feeling of closeness to your remote pair partner. That's why it's important to have high-quality video. Of course, the quality of the video connection is highly dependent on the internet connection. Quite often, when I'm pairing across the seas, at high distances, the video connection isn't great, even though we both have high-speed fiber optics at home. That is why the tool we use for video connection is also important. Some are better than others, and you can see the difference between how well you see your pair partner on a high-distance video connection.
There are so many video conferencing tools out there, but there...