Checklist for open sourcing a project or code base
If you are at this point, you have your company’s support for contributing to open source. Pat yourself on the back – what you have just done isn’t easy, and many before you never got to this point.
To actually make this happen, there are several key things you need to cover – let’s take a look.
Legal review
As the code that will be open sourced is effectively your company’s intellectual property, you need your legal team to review it before contributing to a project or launching a new open source project within one. There are also additional considerations for that code base that will come to mind for legal teams, such as the following:
- Is there any code licensed from a third party in the code to be contributed? If so, what rights does the company have to relicense and redistribute it?
- Does the company have any software patents that are implemented in the code base? If...