Day 18 – facilitating a half-day team meeting
Today is a follow-up day, yet also a continuation of last week's team meeting. As the facilitator you need to remember what went well, and areas of improvement from last week's meeting. Conduct yourself accordingly.
The following is a checklist of what you will need to facilitate the half-day team meeting and a guide to what order you should run the day.
Items you will need before beginning the meeting include:
A boardroom style or U style room
Flip chart and markers for the facilitator
Masking tape in order to post charts
Pens and pencils
Fun gifts for participation, appropriate behavior, and so on
Now that you have all those in place, use the following steps to facilitate the flow of the day:
Opening remarks
Delegate or find a volunteer to take notes, gather notes, and type up highlights of the day
Conduct a review of the last meeting and what went well, with a focus on what you need to do better today to get to a 10
An open floor session for comments...