Day 13 – facilitating the team effectiveness day
The following is a checklist of what you will need in order to facilitate the team effectiveness day and a guide to what order you should run the day.
Items you will need before beginning the meeting include:
Room setup
Flip chart / markers for facilitator and each table group
Masking tape to post charts
Post-it notes
Fun gifts for participation, appropriate behavior, and so on
Now that you have all these in place, use the following steps to facilitate the flow of the day:
Welcome/opening remarks.
Delegate or find a volunteer to take notes, gather notes, and type up highlights of the day.
Ask the team to complete confidential post-it notes on "How effective are we as a team?"
Determine the average team effectiveness rating.
Have a group discussion or presentation on "What factors contribute to that rating?"
Recognize and applaud each presentation.
Have a group discussion and/or presentation on "Areas for improvement." Recognize and applaud...