Tuning with DAX Studio and VertiPaq Analyser
DAX Studio, as the name implies, is a tool centered on DAX queries. It provides a simple yet intuitive interface with powerful features to browse and query Analysis Services semantic models. We will cover querying later in this section. For now, let’s look deeper into semantic models.
The Analysis Services engine has supported dynamic management views (DMVs) for over a decade. These views refer to SQL-like queries that can be executed on Analysis Services to return information about semantic model objects and operations.
VertiPaq Analyzer is a utility that uses publicly documented DMVs to display essential information about which structures exist inside the semantic model and how much space they occupy. It started life as a standalone utility, published as a Power Pivot for an Excel workbook, and still exists in that form today. In this chapter, we will refer to its more recent incarnation as a built-in feature of DAX Studio...