Styling vector layers
You might or you might not be familiar with vector styling at this point. If you know about the concept, however, a little revision won't hurt. In this example, we will change the default vector style of the example dataset to green stars. As vector data is drawn directly to the canvas by the library, their styles can be changed only by inner methods with a limited set of values.
You can see a js
file named ch02_vector
in the code appendix. You can use this file with the previous example or extend the original one with the following rules:
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: new ol.source.Vector({ format: new ol.format.GeoJSON({ defaultDataProjection: 'EPSG:4326' }), url: '../../res/world_capitals.geojson', attributions: [ new ol.Attribution({ html: 'World Capitals © Natural Earth' }) ] }), style: new