Customizing the appearance with JavaScript
Apart from direct styling with CSS, OpenLayers 3 offers some methods to specify the appearance of our maps. These methods can be used to make such changes in the behavior of the controls, which would otherwise be quite hard to achieve, if not impossible. In the next example, we will look at some of the JavaScript-based customizing options.
If you open up the code attachment, you can see some files named ch02_controls
. In these files, you can examine the changes we made to the previous example. The main changes, like the title suggests, will be in the JavaScript part of the example.
Changing the overview map and the scale bar
In this example, we will group the controls based on their position on the map. In the bottom-left corner, we already lifted the overview map above the scale bar. Now, it is time to change some of their inner properties:
var map = new ol.Map({ […] controls: [ […] new ol.control.ScaleLine({...