Sockets, named pipes, and shared memory are the means by which inter-process communication take place. They act as the transport layers for the message passing process that makes up most non-trivial applications. Concurrency primitives such as mutexes and condition variables are used to manage shared access and coordinate work between threads running inside the same process. Multithreaded programming is notoriously difficult, and sockets and named pipes come with their own set of gotchas. A higher-level API is needed to abstract the complex details of asynchronous message passing. Enter ZeroMQ.
ZeroMQ is an asynchronous messaging library that acts like a concurrency framework. It has facilities for in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast transports, as well as bindings for various programming languages, including C, C++, Go, and Python. Those bindings, along with ZeroMQ's socket-based abstractions, allow teams to easily mix programming languages within the same...