View feedback
This is a great feature of Mahara. You have the ability to give feedback on any View that you have access to. This might be useful in the following situations:
You might have asked a peer for feedback on some work you are doing on a particular course in exchange for feedback you can give on their work.
A tutor may have added your View to their Watchlist (see Chapter 6, Site Settings and Exporting Your Portfolio for a more detailed discussion on Watchlists). You may then get some informal feedback from your tutor on your work before you submit it for formal assessment (see more on formal assessment in Chapter 7).
You could be using the feedback functionality as a communication vehicle. You may raise a topic for discussion with your workmates, for example, and get them to answer the core question(s) posed in your View by using the feedback option.
You may have used a View to share highlights of a recent holiday experience with your friends in Mahara. They could then use the feedback...