What this book covers
Chapter 1, Let's Understand Storm, gets you acquainted with the problems that need distributed computing solutions. It will take you through the journey of Storm and its advent.
Chapter 2, Getting Started with Your First Topology, teaches you to set up the developer's environment—sandbox and execute some of the code samples.
Chapter 3, Understanding Storm Internals by Examples, teaches you how to prepare Storm spouts and custom spouts. You will understand various kinds of groupings provided by Storm and their application to practical problems.
Chapter 4, Storm in a Clustered Mode, teaches you how to set up a multi-node Storm cluster to get the user acquainted with the distributed Storm setup and its components. This chapter will also get your acquainted with the Storm UI and various monitoring tools for Storm.
Chapter 5, Storm High Availability and Failover, conjugates the Storm topology with the RabbitMQ broker service and explores the high availability and failover scenarios of Storm with the help of various practical examples.
Chapter 6, Adding NoSQL Persistence to Storm, introduces you to Cassandra and explores various wrapper API's available to work with Cassandra. We will use the Hector API to connect Storm and Cassandra.
Chapter 7, Cassandra Partitioning, High Availability, and Consistency, walks you through the Cassandra internals. You will understand and apply the concepts of high availability, hinted handoff, and eventual consistency in context to Cassandra.
Chapter 8, Cassandra Management and Maintenance, gets you acquainted with the management aspects of Cassandra, such as scaling the cluster, node replacement, and so on, thus equipping you with all the experience required to handle real-life situations with Cassandra.
Chapter 9, Storm Management and Maintenance, gets you acquainted with the management aspects of Storm, such as scaling the cluster, setting up parallelism, and troubleshooting Storm.
Chapter 10, Advance Concepts in Storm, gives you an understanding of the Trident API. You will be building the Trident API with certain examples and illustrations around Trident.
Chapter 11, Distributed Cache and CEP with Storm, gets you acquainted with distributed cache, its need, and applicability to solve real-life use cases with Storm. It will also educate you about Esper as a CEP in combination with Storm.
Appendix, Quiz Answers, contains all the answers to the questions of the true or false statements and the fill in the blanks section.
Bonus Chapter, Using Storm and Cassandra for Real Life Use Cases, explains a few real-life use cases and blueprints to solve these cases using the technologies such as Storm and Cassandra. This chapter can be found online at https://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/Bonus_Chapter.pdf.