- accesslevel field type, JForm
- about / Accesslevel
- access levels / Access level
- about / Access Control List (ACL)
- global permissions / Global permissions
- component permissions / Component permissions
- category permissions / Category permissions
- article permissions / Article permissions
- access levels / Access level
- additional fields, Joomla! backend component
- adding / Adding additional fields
- adding, to model / Adding fields to the model
- category field / Category field
- state field / State field
- media field / Media field
- company field / Company field
- phone field / Phone field
- URL field / URL field
- description field / Description field
- language strings, for fields / Language strings for new fields
- adding, to view / Adding fields to the view
- displaying, in view / Alternative method for displaying fields in the view
- adding, to database / Adding fields to the database
- addSubmenu function / The categories view
- addToolbar function / The view.html.php file, Category permissions
- Akeeba Release System
- about / Setting up an update server
- allowAdd function / Category permissions
- allowEdit function / Category permissions
- another view, Joomla! frontend component
- creating / Creating another view
- Ant
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Apache webserver
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- article permissions
- about / Article permissions
- authentication plugin
- about / Plugin types
- backend development, Joomla! component
- additional fields, adding / Adding additional fields
- columns, adding to view / Adding columns to your view
- toolbar buttons / Toolbar buttons and component options
- component options / Component options
- view filters / View filters and search
- business models, Joomla! community
- about / What business model should I adopt?
- 100 percent free model / What business model should I adopt?
- freemium model / What business model should I adopt?
- once-off purchase model / What business model should I adopt?
- subscription model / What business model should I adopt?
- cachehandler field type, JForm
- about / Cachehandler
- calendar field type, JForm
- about / Calendar
- captcha field type, JForm
- about / Captcha
- CAPTCHA plugin
- about / Plugin types
- categories view
- about / The categories view
- category field type, JForm
- about / Category
- category permissions
- about / Category permissions
- checkboxes field type, JForm
- about / Checkboxes
- checkbox field type, JForm
- about / Checkbox
- Chrome
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- chromestyle field type, JForm
- about / Chromestyle
- click-to-call plugin
- using, with Joomla! frontend component / Using our click-to-call plugin with this component
- about / Creating a package
- color field type, JForm
- about / Color
- columns, Joomla! backend component
- adding, to view / Adding columns to your view
- simple columns, adding to view / Adding simple columns
- click to sort by column / Click to sort by column
- status column / Status column
- ordering column / Ordering column
- combo field type, JForm
- about / Combo
- component installation XML file
- creating / Creating the component installation XML file
- componentlayout field type, JForm
- about / Componentlayout
- component options, Joomla! backend component
- about / Component options
- component permissions
- about / Component permissions
- components
- about / Components
- com_categories component
- about / Adding views and submenu items
- com_finder component
- about / Creating a search plugin
- com_folio component
- pagination, implementing / Pagination
- views, adding / Adding views and submenu items
- submenu items, adding / Adding views and submenu items
- about / Creating a package
- tags, adding / Adding tags to our component
- com_search component
- about / Creating a search plugin
- contentlanguage field type, JForm
- about / Contentlanguage
- content plugin
- about / Plugin types
- contenttype field type, JForm
- about / Contenttype
- Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack
- about / Cross-site Request Forgery
- Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- about / Cross-site scripting
- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) / The view layout file
- CSS, Joomla! frontend component
- adding / Adding CSS
- databaseconnection field type, JForm
- about / Databaseconnection
- database modifications
- managing / Managing database changes
- PHP files, updating / Updating the PHP files
- display function / The view.html.php file
- dot dot slash attack
- about / Local File Inclusion
- EasyCreator / To fork or not to fork?
- EasyPHP
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Eclipse
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- editor field type, JForm
- about / Editor
- editors-XTD plugin
- about / Plugin types
- editors plugin
- about / Plugin types
- edit view, Joomla! compoment
- about / The edit view
- creating / The edit view
- view.html.php file / The view.html.php file
- view layout file / The view layout file
- email field type, JForm
- about / Email
- extension plugin
- about / Plugin types
- extensions
- listing, on JED / Getting listed on the JED
- featured portfolio module
- creating / Creating a featured portfolio module
- file
- multiple extensions, packaging into / Creating a package
- file field type, JForm
- about / File
- filelist field type, JForm
- about / Filelist
- Firebug plugin
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Firefox
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- folderlist field type, JForm
- about / Folderlist
- form XML file
- about / The form XML file
- freemium model
- about / What business model should I adopt?
- frontend development, Joomla! component
- about / Getting started on the frontend
- view, creating / Creating a view
- CSS, adding / Adding CSS
- sample images, adding / Adding sample images
- another view, creating / Creating another view
- menu item parameters / Menu item parameters
- translating / Translating your component
- updfolio edit form / Updating data from the frontend
- ReCaptcha, using / Using ReCaptcha in your component
- click-to-call plugin, using / Using our click-to-call plugin with this component
- third-party comments extension, integrating / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- getActions function / The helper file, Category permissions
- getCatgories function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- getComponentIcon function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- getComponentName function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- getContentIds function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- getSortFields function / Filters and search
- global permissions
- about / Global permissions
- GNU GPL licensing
- about / Licensing and GPL
- groupedlist field type, JForm
- about / Groupedlist
- headertag field type, JForm
- about / Headertag
- helpsite field type, JForm
- about / Helpsite
- hidden field type, JForm
- about / Hidden
- IE
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- imagelist field type, JForm
- about / Imagelist
- installation XML file, Joomla! plugin
- creating / Creating the installation XML file
- installer script file
- about / Installer script
- install function / Installer script
- integer field type, JForm
- about / Integer
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- JavaScript libraries
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- URL / Where do I start?
- extensions, listing on / Getting listed on the JED
- about / Getting listed on the JED
- JEDChecker
- about / Getting listed on the JED
- URL / Getting listed on the JED
- JED listing
- about / To fork or not to fork?
- JForm
- creating / Creating a form
- form XML file / The form XML file
- JForm field types
- about / JForm field types
- accesslevel / Accesslevel
- cachehandler / Cachehandler
- calendar / Calendar
- captcha / Captcha
- category / Category
- checkbox / Checkbox
- checkboxes / Checkboxes
- chromestyle / Chromestyle
- color / Color
- combo / Combo
- componentlayout / Componentlayout
- contentlanguage / Contentlanguage
- contenttype / Contenttype
- databaseconnection / Databaseconnection
- editor / Editor
- email / Email
- file / File
- filelist / Filelist
- folderlist / Folderlist
- groupedlist / Groupedlist
- headertag / Headertag
- helpsite / Helpsite
- hidden / Hidden
- imagelist / Imagelist
- integer / Integer
- language / Language
- list / List
- media / Media
- menu / Menu
- menuitem / Menuitem
- modulelayout / Modulelayout
- moduleorder / Moduleorder
- moduleposition / Moduleposition
- moduletag / Moduletag
- password / Password
- plugins / Plugins
- radio / Radio
- rules / Rules
- sessionhandler / Sessionhandler
- spacer / Spacer
- sql / Sql
- tag / Tag
- tagnested / Tagnested
- tel / Tel
- templatestyle / Templatestyle
- text / Text
- textarea / Textarea
- timezone / Timezone
- url / Url
- user / User
- usergroup / Usergroup
- JInput
- URL / Remote File Inclusion
- Joomla!
- extension types / Extension types and their uses
- legacy MVC, versus new MVC / Legacy MVC versus new MVC
- Joomla! 2.5 compatibility, Joomla! module
- about / Backwards compatibility for Joomla! 2.5
- installation XML file, modifying / Making changes to the installation XML file
- CSS styles, adding / Adding the CSS styles
- packaging, for distribution / Packaging for distribution
- Joomla! 2.5 component
- upgrading, to Joomla! 3 / Upgrading a Joomla! 2.5 component to make it Joomla! 3 compatible
- Joomla! 3
- about / Joomla! versions that your extensions should support
- features / What's new in Joomla! 3
- Twitter Bootstrap / What's new in Joomla! 3
- LESS CSS / What's new in Joomla! 3
- javaScript libraries / What's new in Joomla! 3
- tagging feature / What's new in Joomla! 3
- licensing / Licensing and GPL
- business model / What business model should I adopt?
- Joomla! 3.1
- tagging component feature / Adding tags to our component
- Joomla! CMS roadmap
- about / Legacy MVC versus new MVC
- Joomla! coding standards
- about / Coding standards
- Joomla! component
- component installation XML file, creating / Creating the component installation XML file
- simple component, creating / Creating a simple component
- database, setting up / Setting up the database
- form, creating / Creating a form
- view, creating / Creating a view
- installer script file / Installer script
- installing / Zip it up and install your component
- Joomla! core
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- Joomla! database
- setting up / Setting up the database
- extension, discovering / Discover the extension
- controllers, creating / Creating the controllers
- model, creating for list view / Creating the model for the list view
- model, creating for edit view / Creating the model for the edit view
- Joomla!Day events
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Joomla! development
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- PHP / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- MySQL / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Joomla! Extension Directory (JED)
- about / Licensing and GPL
- Joomla! extensions
- about / Extension types and their uses
- plugins / Plugins
- modules / Modules
- components / Components
- languages / Languages
- templates / Templates
- library / Libraries
- package / Packages
- development tools / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Joomla! module
- about / Where do I start?
- building / Where do I start?
- backend modules / Backend versus frontend modules
- frontend modules / Backend versus frontend modules
- backend modules installation location / Backend modules' installation location
- frontend modules installation location / Frontend modules' installation location
- installation XML file, creating / Creating the installation XML file
- module PHP file, creating / Creating the module PHP file
- view, creating / Creating the view
- database, connecting to / Connecting to the database
- testing, on Joomla! 3 development website / Zip it up and install your module
- packaging, for distribution / Packaging your module for distribution
- installing, on Joomla! 2.5 / Backwards compatibility for Joomla! 2.5
- converting, to site module / Converting to the site module
- translating / Translating your module
- help file, adding / Adding a help file
- template overrides / Template overrides
- making, mobile-friendly / Making your module responsive
- Joomla! plugins
- about / Plugin types
- authentication plugin / Plugin types
- CAPTCHA plugin / Plugin types
- content plugin / Plugin types
- editors plugin / Plugin types
- editors-XTD plugin / Plugin types
- extension plugin / Plugin types
- Quick Icons plugin / Plugin types
- search plugin / Plugin types
- Smart Search (Finder) plugin / Plugin types
- user plugin / Plugin types
- system plugin / Plugin types
- Joomla! versions
- Joomla! 3 / Joomla! versions that your extensions should support
- Joomla! 1.5 / Joomla! versions that your extensions should support
- Joomla! Extension Directory / Joomla! versions that your extensions should support
- Joomla! 2.5 / Joomla! versions that your extensions should support
- Joomla! Vulnerable Extension List
- about / Why you should care about security
- jQuery
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- JToolBar**getInstance / The view.html.php file
- Komento
- about / Summary, Integrating a third-party comments extension
- language field type, JForm
- about / Language
- languages
- about / Languages
- legacy MVC, versus new MVC
- about / Legacy MVC versus new MVC
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- libraries extension type
- about / Libraries
- list field type, JForm
- about / List
- list view, Joomla! compoment
- about / The list view
- creating / The list view
- view.html.php file / The view.html.php file
- helper file / The helper file
- view layout file / The view layout file
- load function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- about / Local File Inclusion
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- media field type, JForm
- about / Media
- menu field type, JForm
- about / Menu
- menuitem field type, JForm
- about / Menuitem
- menu item parameters, Joomla! frontend component
- about / Menu item parameters
- category filter, adding on menu / Adding a category filter on our menu
- component options, using / Using component options
- width and height parameters / Width and height parameters
- modulelayout field type, JForm
- about / Modulelayout
- moduleorder field type, JForm
- about / Moduleorder
- moduleposition field type, JForm
- about / Moduleposition
- modules
- about / Modules
- moduletag field type, JForm
- about / Moduletag
- MooTools
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- multi-database support
- about / Multi-database support
- multiple extensions
- packaging, into single file / Creating a package
- MVC design pattern
- about / Legacy MVC versus new MVC
- MySQL / Multi-database support
- MySQL Version 5.1 / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- NetBeans
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Notepad++
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Notepad++ preferences
- setting up / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- onBeforeLoad function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- once-off purchase model
- about / What business model should I adopt?
- onContentSearchAreas function / Creating a search plugin
- onContentSearch function / Creating a search plugin
- one-click updates
- about / Setting up an update server
- onExecute function / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- Open Source Matters (OSM)
- about / Licensing and GPL
- 100 percent free model
- about / What business model should I adopt?
- package
- creating / Creating a package
- package extension type
- about / Packages
- pagination
- about / Pagination
- adding / Pagination
- password field type, JForm
- about / Password
- path disclosure
- about / Path disclosure
- PEAR coding standards / Coding standards
- Phing
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- PHP files
- updating / Updating the PHP files
- phpMyAdmin
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- PHP Version 5.3.1 / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- plugin
- installing / Zip it up and install your plugin
- parameters, adding / Adding the parameters to our plugin
- language files, adding / Adding the language files
- plugin development
- about / Where do I start?
- installation XML file, creating / Creating the installation XML file
- plugin PHP file, creating / Creating the plugin PHP file
- installable file, zipping / Zip it up and install your plugin
- plugin, installing / Zip it up and install your plugin
- plugin event triggers
- about / Plugin event triggers
- plugin PHP file, Joomla! plugin
- creating / Creating the plugin PHP file
- plugins
- about / Plugins
- plugins field type, JForm
- about / Plugins
- populateState function / Sidebar filters
- postflight function / Installer script
- PostgreSQL / Multi-database support
- preflight function / Installer script
- preview view
- about / The preview view
- Quick Icons plugin
- about / Plugin types
- radio field type, JForm
- about / Radio
- ReCaptcha
- using, in Joomla! frontend component / Using ReCaptcha in your component
- using without JForm, in Joomla! frontend component / ReCaptcha without JForm
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- about / Remote File Inclusion
- rules field type, JForm
- about / Rules
- Safari
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- sample images, Joomla! frontend component
- adding / Adding sample images
- Search in title filter / Filters and search
- search plugin
- about / Plugin types
- creating / Creating a search plugin
- sharing, requisites / Creating a search plugin
- security
- about / Why you should care about security
- security vulnerabilities
- about / Why you should care about security
- path disclosure / Path disclosure
- SQL injection / SQL injection
- Local File Inclusion (LFI) / Local File Inclusion
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI) / Remote File Inclusion
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) / Cross-site scripting
- Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) / Cross-site Request Forgery
- sessionhandler field type, JForm
- about / Sessionhandler
- simple component
- creating / Creating a simple component
- entry point, creating / Creating the entry point
- access XML file, creating / Creating the access XML file
- config XML file, creating / Creating the config XML file
- Smart Search (Finder) plugin
- about / Plugin types
- smart search plugin
- about / Creating a smart search plugin
- creating / Creating a smart search plugin
- spacer field type, JForm
- about / Spacer
- sql field type, JForm
- about / Sql
- SQL injection
- about / SQL injection
- ssh / Creating a smart search plugin
- Stackideas
- about / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- submenu items
- adding / Adding views and submenu items
- submenus
- adding / Submenus
- subscription model
- about / What business model should I adopt?
- system plugins
- about / Plugin types
- tag field type, JForm
- about / Tag
- tagging component feature, Joomla! 3.1 / Adding tags to our component
- tagnested field type, JForm
- about / Tagnested
- tags
- about / Adding tags to our component
- adding, to component / Adding tags to our component
- tel field type, JForm
- about / Tel
- template overrides
- about / Template overrides
- creating / Template overrides
- updating / Watch out when updating
- layout, creating / Alternative layouts
- templates
- about / Templates
- templatestyle field type, JForm
- about / Templatestyle
- textarea field type, JForm
- about / Textarea
- Textedit
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- text field type, JForm
- about / Text
- third-party comments extension
- integrating, with Joomla! frontend component / Integrating a third-party comments extension
- timezone field type, JForm
- about / Timezone
- toolbar buttons, Joomla! backend component
- about / Toolbar buttons and component options
- Twitter Bootstrap
- about / What's new in Joomla! 3
- Unified Content Model (UCM)
- about / Legacy MVC versus new MVC
- uninstall function / Installer script
- update function / Installer script
- update server
- setting up / Setting up an update server
- updfolio edit form, Joomla! frontend component
- creating / Creating the edit form
- updfolios list view, Joomla! frontend component
- creating / Creating the list view
- view.html.php, creating / Creating the list view
- url field type, JForm
- about / Url
- user field type, JForm
- about / User
- usergroup field type, JForm
- about / Usergroup
- user plugins
- about / Plugin types
- view, Joomla! compoment
- creating / Creating a view
- list view / The list view
- edit view / The edit view
- view, Joomla! frontend component
- creating / Creating a view
- view filters, Joomla! backend component
- about / View filters and search
- sidebar filters / Sidebar filters
- delete, changing to trash / Changing delete to trash
- search in title filter / Filters and search
- Title and Ascending filters / Filters and search
- search in title filter, testing / Filters and search
- views
- adding / Adding views and submenu items
- categories view / The categories view
- preview view / The preview view
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- Webmatrix
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions
- XDebug
- about / Tools you need to develop the Joomla! extensions