Visualize page
The Visualize page helps create visualizations in the form of graphs and charts. These visualizations can be saved and viewed individually or can be used in multiple dashboards, which act as a collection of visualizations.
All visualizations in Kibana are based on the aggregation feature of Elasticsearch. Kibana also supports multilevel aggregations to come up with various useful data analytics. Let's take a look at what a Visualize page looks like:

Kibana Visualize page
The Visualize page has two parts—either you can create a new visualization or open an existing one from your saved list.
Creating a visualization
To create a new visualization, select Visualize from the top menu bar, which opens a new Visualize page, and then click on the New Visualization button on tool bar.
Creating a new visualization is a three step process on the Visualize page:
Select a visualization type.
Select a data source (from a new search or an existing saved search).
Configure the aggregations (metrics...