Using a generator to scaffold your user wishlist area
In Chapter 4, Building Views and Adding Style, I covered the user area in some detail, I will extend that here as I focus more on the wishlist area and using Scaffolding to build that out. There are many options out there to scaffold your view files, migrations, controllers, and routes. I will use l5scaffolding package: because I know it, since I forked it and used it in another few projects. While these lessons will focus specifically on using the l5scaffolding package, the basic concepts will be applicable to any of the available packages. Scaffolding is particularly useful when building a proof of concept, when you need to have something done fast and then wait until it is approved before spending time focusing on the quality of code.
In this lesson, we're going to create a wishlist feature that allows users to create personalized lists of comics. We need to make this wishlist item...