Using the Window API to act on a window object
In this recipe, we will look at several methods that can be used to act on the window object.
How to do it…
There are various methods available that help you act on an existing window object. These include the following methods:
center: This will center the window.
open: This will open the window.
close: This will close the window.
refresh: This will refresh the content of window. Optionally, some parameters can be passed to this function, which will override the default options.
maximize: This will maximize the window to the entire viewing area.
minimize: This will minimize the window to its title bar.
restore: This will restore the window from its minimized or maximized state.
pin: This will pin the window. It will fix the window's position, and hence, when you scroll, the window will appear at the same position.
unpin: This will unpin the window and remove the fixed position.
toggleMaximization: This toggles the window between the maximized...