Practical – operating and monitoring a joke creator with IoT Greengrass
In this exercise, we will walk through the process of creating an AWS IoT Greengrass group for edge computing. We will start by creating a new AWS IoT Greengrass group and configuring its core settings. Next, we will create a device definition and add it to the group, along with the Lambda functions and subscriptions needed for edge processing. Finally, we will deploy the AWS IoT Greengrass group to our local devices and verify that it is working as expected.
By the end of this exercise, you will have a solid understanding of how to set up an AWS IoT Greengrass group for edge computing and how to deploy it to your local devices. You will be able to leverage this knowledge to build powerful and scalable IoT applications that can process data locally and communicate with the cloud in a seamless and efficient manner.
Setting up your OpenAI account
To start off with the practical, we will need to set...