Chapter 1, Getting Started with Ionic 3, we will be going through all the essentials of Ionic, which will help in building large scale and enterprise grade applications.
Chapter 2, Ionic Components, will guide you towards Ionic components and how we can customize them according to our applications.
Chapter 3, Ionic Native and Plugins, covers almost everything regarding Cordova plugins, Ionic Native and some common and advance plugins.
Chapter 4, Ionic Platform and Services, covers all the Ionic Platform services and how to use them in best way in your application.
Chapter 5, Authentication, Authorization, and Security, will be dealing with authentication, securing Ionic application and demonstrating authorization.
Chapter 6, TasteBite App with Firebase, focuses on building entire application from start to end by using Backend as a Service platform Firebase.
Chapter 7, Ionic, IOT and Beacons, we will be discussing about IOT, BLE and Physical Web. Besides this will demonstrate ibeacon based proximity application where your laptop will screen lock as soon as you will move away from your laptop.
Chapter 8, Ionic + PWA = Magic, we will be looking into Progressive Web Applications and its support with Ionic with a demonstration of offline-first currency converter application.