Dangers of the cloud
In step 1 of the What exactly is the cloud, and how can it help you? section’s list for selecting a cloud provider, security is mentioned as one of the features you might need, especially when you are dealing with sensitive data.
Providing a secure system is in the interest of all cloud providers, but sometimes there might be some limitations due to the nature of the cloud. Not only do you have to trust that the company itself will not take advantage of your system, but also that it will keep it secure from external malicious individuals.
Missing issues due to the tests being executed in simulated devices rather than real ones, is also a danger of the cloud, so make sure you confirm what case it is going to be and cover yourself from it.
As we will see in a bit, one more danger could be that the provider does not clean up the application and tests after their execution, and since devices are shared across clients, some other client might have access...