The Secret Passages of the Test Pyramid – the Top of the Pyramid
In the last two chapters, we explored the concept of the test pyramid, including its base and middle parts. If you have skipped those chapters and went straight to reading this one we recommend that you read at least the introduction to the test pyramid first (covered in Chapter 2, The Secret Passages of the Test Pyramid – The Base of the Pyramid) to understand the concept of a three-dimensional test pyramid and the references provided. In this chapter, we are going to cover the top of the test pyramid and check all its dimensions, secret passages, and dangers.
In this chapter, we are going to cover the following main topics:
- What is inside the top of the pyramid?
- The secret passages – headless testing
- The secret passages – making your UI tests more efficient with API calls
- The secret passages – remote execution
- The search for other tests
This chapter...