Neo4j 4.0 was announced in February 2020. Among other new features, it is the first version that supports sharding to split a graph across several servers. We will discuss this further in the following section. First, let's review some basic settings that can improve Neo4j's performance before thinking about complex solutions.
The landscape prior to Neo4j 4.0
Neo4j 3.x is already an incredibly powerful database that can manage billions of nodes and relationships. One of the first settings you learn to tune when getting the Neo4j certification is the allocated memory.
Memory settings
Memory is configured by several settings in the neo4j.conf file. The default values are quite low and it is often recommended to increase them, depending on your data and usage. Neo4j has a utility script that's used to estimate the memory required by your graph instance. The script is located in the bin directory of your $NEO4J_HOME path. When using Neo4j...