In this chapter, we combined IPFS technology and smart contract technology to build a decentralized video-sharing application. First, we wrote a smart contract to store video information and video titles. We also built in crypto economics by making the act of liking videos require coins from the ERC20 token. In addition to this, we learned that even storing video information such as a string of the IPFS path and the title requires more gas than usual. After writing a smart contract, we built a web application using the Django library. We created a project, followed by building an application inside this project. Moving forward, we built views, models, templates, and URLs. In the models, we stored the video file in IPFS and then stored the IPFS path on the blockchain. We made the templates more beautiful using the Bulma CSS framework and then launched the application by executing the functionalities of this web application. This chapter will certainly help us in scaling data...