This chapter is about vector layers, which are completely different from raster layers. This chapter gives you the most common and important recipes that you may need while working with the Google Maps JavaScript API.
In the GIS world, both the vector and raster layers are used in different cases. Vectors are used for representing the Earth's features in most cases. For example, Points of Interest (POI), such as coffee shops or restaurants, are shown with points; rivers or roads are shown with polylines; and parks or buildings are shown with polygons. As it is seen here, there are three different vector types: point, polyline, and polygon. Remember that all vectors consist of points, which are the building blocks of vectors.
In the Google Maps JavaScript API, all types of vectors are called overlays. In addition to vectors, popups and symbols are also included in overlays. All the recipes related to them are included in this chapter.
Maps are mostly used for visualization...