How DevOps helps organizations deliver quickly
Version control helps us track issues and revert changes. Differentiating between branches becomes easy with GitLab. If something goes wrong, finding a bug or issue is easy as we have all the changes tracked in Git repositories. Also, with Jenkins being able to retrieve metadata from the sandbox and store it in Git, it is very useful while taking backups. We don't need to do the same task again. We can configure a Jenkins job to take a backup of metadata components in Git and send a notification email to the respective admins.
The Jenkins continuous integration server helps us to deploy changes from a developer's machine to the sandbox or from one sandbox to another sandbox. We can configure Jenkins jobs to deploy changes as soon as they are pushed to Git using Jenkins Webhooks. Deployment of metadata from a developer sandbox to UAT sandboxes can be automated and your Salesforce credentials are safely stored in Jenkins Credentials in secret...