Technical requirements
The hardware requirements of the chapter are:
- ESP32-C3 DevkitM-1
- A Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR), or photo sensor
- A pull-up resistor (10K
- ESP32-S3 Box Lite
- A DS18B20 temperature sensor (breakout board)
- Jumper wires
On the software side, we will use the AWS IoT Device SDK library. The book repository contains it as a sub-module, but you can find it here too:
We will also need some other software tools in the examples. They are:
- ESP SoftAP Provisioning: The mobile application by Espressif Systems to provision ESP32 in a WiFi network. It is available for both Android and iOS.
- curl: A command-line utility to interact with TCP/IP applications:
- Eclipse Mosquitto client tools: They are useful to test connections to an MQTT broker. The binaries are available here:
- Amazon Alexa: The mobile application...