The first three projects in this chapter are just a rewrite of the three projects covered in the preceding chapter but are converted so that they use the ggez framework and the nalgebra library instead. They are as follows:
- The ski project has become gg_ski.
- The silent_slalom project has become gg_silent_slalom.
- The assets_slalom project has become gg_assets_slalom.
Each project's behavior is very similar to its respective project in Chapter 6, Creating a WebAssembly Game Using Quicksilver, and so you can go back to that chapter to see the screenshots accompanying each one. For all three projects, gg_ski, gg_silent_slalom, and gg_assets_slalom, the Cargo.toml file has the following change. Instead of the quicksilver dependency, there are the following dependencies:
ggez = "0.5"
nalgebra = "0.18"
The term ggez (pronounced G. G. easy) is a slang term used by multiplayer online gamers.
The ggez framework was admittedly inspired by...